Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Resources

Addressing Service Conflicts

Feelings Inventory

Naming Needs List

Noticing Needs Self-Assessment

Personal Peace Reflection

Preparing for Conversation

Ready To Take The Next Step?

“Sherry is compassionate, talented, and open minded. I highly recommend Bruckner Mediation.”

Katie T.

“Sherry was the first person I contacted when a conflict came up and I needed some insight before responding. As a service-oriented business, it is imperative the needs of my clients come first without detriment to the business. She has a unique way of helping one see from different perspectives, of wording responses so that others’ needs are heard and met and of keeping the conversation continuing until both parties felt an adequate resolution.”

Melissa O.

“Sherry gave me a chance to consider my own messaging and habits, which gave me the curiosity to discover new perspectives and insights. In finding peace within myself, I am also becoming a more understanding, compassionate, and loving partner in my relationships.” 

Jami G.

“Sherry has the unique ability to use both her intuition and her intellect when approaching any situation. This well-rounded ability makes for an approach to situations that is both practical and intuitive. She asks questions that lead to the solutions and uncovers practical ways of resolving them. Whomever she encounters will be working with the very best and I am grateful to have been one of them.” 

Muzamba S.

"Sherry skillfully combines motivation, warmth and humor into her "Awaken Your Light" workshop. I highly recommend this for anyone looking for clarity or inspiration to take the next step."


Katie T.

“Bruckner Mediation really helped us find peaceful resolutions by using communication tools and thoughtful compassion. Sherry has a great way of listening to understand and lovely words to guide us to our own new understanding.”

Dan and Jami G.

Sherry has taught Conflict Management and Mediation 2.0 to our entire police agency. Sherry has a unique skill and way of delivering a message that keeps people engaged. She uses personal experiences and allows everyone the opportunity to learn and be heard. Great class and can’t wait to continue learning from Bruckner Mediation

Captain Kevin G.

Sherry has a keen ability to listen to all sides and think creatively to positively resolve complex legal and emotional issues.

Anne H.

"I felt like Sherry was speaking directly to me. I walked away feeling hopeful and changed. She convinced me that the future is now and I have the power to own it! "

Carol W.