Seeing Your Partner’s Vision

While touring the Henry Ford Museum, I pause at Ford’s first gas engine. The plaque next to it says he and his wife, Clara, tested it in their kitchen sink.  

A part of me wonders about their conversation. How much negotiation went into using that kitchen sink? Seeing Henry’s passion to create cars for the masses, did Clara jump fully on board in supporting his decision to test his gas engine right there? Or did she express a little resistance?  

When talking with the people closest to us, it may seem almost easier to point out what could go wrong. How often do you say or hear “how are you going to do that?” Or point out all the things that could go quite wrong? 

Staying focused on the ultimate vision allows us to care less about the little messes along the way. They simply prove to be the process that leads to dream fulfillment.  

At the beginning of many mediation sessions, it may also feel a little messy. As each person talks about his, her, or their point of view, and wishes, it may seem like everyone is so far apart.  Sharing differences is simply part of the process of building understanding.

Most parents want to create a healthy, happy life for their children. Staying in that vision helps create a plan to raise a child together, while living in separate households. Similarly, business owners may seek a top-quality and lucrative end result. Coming from that vision offers an opportunity to  create or complete a project when they see things differently.  

When only noticing the differences, getting to that third way may feel a bit uncomfortable. Yet, the differences often create a stronger, more well-rounded and successful vision. Rather than one way or another that serves limited needs or interests, the third way serves the highest good of all.  

What conversations have you had about your goals or dreams at home or work, personally or professionally? What is the cost of not sharing your vision? Are you stuck in the “how” or coming from the vision?

In the beginning Henry Ford did not know how he would get cars to the masses. He stayed in that vision and seemed willing to be a little uncomfortable in the process. It appears his partner did too.  

What does it mean to experience a little messiness to serve the ultimate vision? Are you seeing your partner’s vision? What does your vision look like? 

Sherry Ann Bruckner

Sherry Ann Bruckner

Most widely known as Lonzo's human, mediator, speaker, and author Sherry Ann Bruckner works with leaders and organizations to create peace, resolve conflict, and transform visions into results.

From her twenty-plus years' experience practicing civil and family law, and her own personal experiences with silence and violence, Sherry Ann understands how much inner peace impacts outer peace. A graduate of Hamline University's College of Liberal Arts and William Mitchell College of Law, she also studied conflict resolution at Rothberg International School in Jerusalem. Sherry serves as a neutral on matters ranging from bias and employment discrimination to marriage dissolution and caring for aging parents. A speaker and trainer on the global stage, Sherry gives you and your audience practical skills and the confidence to use embrace your personal power to create peace. Through helping thousands of people navigate their way through conflict, and finding her own way to inner peace, she shares the transformational power of clarity, compassion, curiosity, and cribbage.

Visit to learn more or give her a call at (320) 808-3212.
Sherry Ann Bruckner

Be gentle with you. Be gentle with all. Be the peace.