What do you see as possible?
Watching the Olympics, I notice top athletes doing what they love and pushing themselves to be even better.
Seeing Chloe Kim and Nathan Chen earn gold medals causes me to wonder about possibilities. At one time, it may not have been considered possible for a skater or snowboarder to perform at that level of technical difficulty. Yet, they do.
Not only do they perform at a top level, but they push the envelope further. Did you see Kim attempt an even more difficult move in her final two runs after securing the gold? She sees possibility. She believes in what is possible.
So often in conflict, focus goes to the beliefs about what is not possible.
I hear employees and supervisors saying the “other” just will not listen, and a co-worker say their colleague does not share information. The “other” states they are not the issue. This also happens during mediations among couples and co-parents.
Yet, who really takes the time to talk about what this looks like? What does it mean to listen or share? What ways could this happen that would be acceptable to everyone involved?
Focusing on who is not doing what hinders creating ideas for resolution. Options exist beyond what you might consider possible.
When working from a vision, you start to notice the possibilities. Considering what might be possible, it becomes more likely to create a resolution that meets everyone’s needs.
What might be possible in conflict resolution? How much will you believe in it?