As I enter my fifth decade, I reflect on the level of freedom, joy, health, peace, purpose, and love in my life.
At 40, I did not fully comprehend my role in co-creating the level of satisfaction in all areas of my life.
All of it really begins and ends with the level of peace I bring to the moment.
Does my energy show up as peace or pushiness?
Each day, I may make any given moment mean what I choose.
I choose my thoughts.
I choose my feelings.
I choose my actions (or inactions).
I may make things mean something positive or understandable about me or someone else.
I may think “I wonder what led this person to behave this way,” or “it sounds like this person is being fully human.”
I may feel happy, grateful, and motivated.
I may act from a place of clarity, compassion, and curiosity.
I may not always think, feel, or act these ways.
When I do not, I get curious with myself, show myself compassion, and clarify what I need to act in alignment with my vision and values.
This allows me to show up with more clarity, compassion, and curiosity with the people around me.
It means I choose to care for, value, and respect myself.
I cannot force or push anyone else into behaving differently.
If someone or something around me does not care for, value, or respect me, I may clarify my wishes and expectations.
I can gently let people or things go when we are no longer a good match.
My level of satisfaction results from a series of moment-by-moment decisions.
My decisions create my level of contentment and satisfaction.
I take responsibility for my choices, which I fully control, including my thoughts, my feelings, and my actions.
Choosing from a place of peace, and honoring my personal peace, is up to me.
Aligning with my vision and values, I experience a greater level of inner peace.
My inner peace creates outer peace.
I continue to create the results in all areas of my life.
I choose to co-create by design, rather than by default.
You may choose to live a life by design too.
You may co-create the level of freedom, joy, health, peace, purpose, and love in your life.
What if you create peace by design?
To receive support or learn more about co-creating a life you love by design, click here.
What would you love?